On August 27, 2021 USPS Management released new Face Covering policies to immidiately go into effect.

SUBJECT: Revised Policy on Wearing of Face Coverings
As a result of the uncertainty with COVID-19 related to the “Delta Variant,” the Postal Service will reinstate our previous face covering policy for all Mail Processing and Logistics, Retail and
Delivery, and Vehicle Operations facilities.
Effective immediately, all employees are required to wear face coverings in the following
situations regardless of their vaccination status, or until further notice:
• When there is a local, state, or tribal face covering order or directive in place; or
• When an employee who does not deal directly with the public and cannot achieve or maintain social distancing in the workplace.
Employees in administrative office buildings (non-mail processing facilities where employees are in offices or divided workspaces) who cannot maintain social distance must wear a face covering regardless of vaccination status.
Facilities should ensure they have adequate masks and face coverings available for employee
use. Employees who cannot wear face coverings for medical reasons should contact their
supervisor. Please ensure the attached stand-up talk is shared with all your employees.