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Open Season for the Federal Employee Health Benefits is from November 8 - December 13, 2021

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Greetings from the APWU Health Plan Rep….

Open Season for the Federal Employee Health Benefits has started…It’s from November 8, 2021 through December 13, 2021.

Partner with a health plan that helps you protect what’s most important.

The American Postal Workers Union (APWU) Health Plan is a national preferred provider Organization (PPO) that offers a fee-for-service High Option Plan and a Consumer Driven Option Plan. Both options are open to all employees or retirees covered under the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program. Located in Glen Burnie, Maryland, the Health Plan is a department of the American Postal Workers Union and employs 200 people to service the 205,000 people covered by the Health Plan. The Plan has proudly served postal employees and their families since 1960.

The APWU Health Plan partners with Postal and Federal families to create a lifestyle dedicated to healthy living and are committed to providing our members with innovative high-quality products and services.

A Health Plan that’s focused on your health and well-being, Backed by your APWU Union and has a 95% retention rate.

Through negotiations in the APWU Contract the Postal Service is paying 95% of the Consumer Driven Option Plan premium . PSE’S are eligible for the APWU Health Plan’s Consumer Driven Option after a PSE completes one (1) year of service and offered at the non-postal rate with the Postal Service paying 75% of the premium and becoming eligible for the APWU Career status rate when you complete one year of service as a career status employee along with one full year in the FEHB Program as a subscriber.

This year our premiums were kept lower, very competitive and excellent service compared to other health plans in the FEHB Program.

-----New features this year

Still Standing….. the last Bargaining Unit to negotiate USPS paying into the health premiums at a special rate of 95%.

Consumer Driven Health Plan only

---Your share of the premium will stay the same for Self only, Self Plus One and Self and Family

---Your share of the APWU Career premiums will decrease for Self Plus One and Self and Family

---The Plan added a $2,500 maximum per calendar year for infertility drugs

---The Plan will require prior authorization for hysterectomy, sinuplasty, and functional endoscopic sinus surgery

---The Plan added a 52-week weight management program called Real Appeal, delivered by a virtual coach

---The Plan added Able To, a customized behavioral health 6-8 week digital treatment program

----The Plan removed the Source4Women Program

----The plan has added compliancy with the No Surprises Act ((NSA), a federal law that provides you with protections against “surprise bill” and “balance billing” under certain circumstances

High Option only

---Your share of the premium will increase for Self Only, Self Plus One and Self and Family

---The Plan added a $2,500 maximum per calendar year for infertility drugs

---The Plan added certain non-Insulin drugs to our Patient Assurance Program (PAP) to treat diabetes with fixed copays -$25 copay for 30 days and $75 copay for 90 days

---Prior authorization is no longer required for psychological and neuropsychological testing, electroconvulsive therapy, and professional services for intensive outpatient treatment

----Hypercholesterolemia drugs will no longer be treated as specialty drugs

----The Plan has increased the number of conditions that require authorization and step therapy for prescription drugs

----Preventive migraine medications no longer need to be obtained through Network Mail Order

----The plan has added compliancy with the No Surprises Act (NSA), a federal law that provides you with protections against “surprise billing” and “balance billing” under certain circumstances.

For more information you can call me and leave a voicemail @ 630 833-0088 or email me at, visit the website at , you can also register on the website to attend a virtual Open Season health fair on Tuesdays for the following dates:

Tuesday, November 16, 12-2 pm ET, Tuesday November 23, 12 – 2 pmET, Tuesday, November 30, 12- 2 pm ET, December 7, 12- 2 pm ET

In Solidarity,

Arlene Thomas-Benford, APWU Health Plan Rep


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