Airborne Paper Fiber-Nuisance Dust or Killer?
If you have been experiencing UPPER RESPIRATORY symptoms such as Allergic reactions, Coughing, Sneezing, Diarrhea, Sneezing, Diarrhea, Ear Aches, Equilibrium off, Hair Loss, Infections, Itchy & Watery Eyes, Pink-eye, Red Eye (Conjunctivitis), nasal congestion, runny eyes, runny nose, skin rashes (edema), soar throat, vertigo (dizziness, lightheadedness) and vomiting.
If you have been diagnosed with Allergic Cephalgia (Headaches, Migraines), Allergic Reaction to Fumes, Allergic Reaction to Paint Fumes, Angioedema (swelling), Asthma, Bronchitis, chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease, COPD, Dermatitis, Hyperpigmentation, Laryngitis, Pharyngitis, Pulmonary Disease, Rhinnorhea, Rhino conjunctivitis, Sarcoidosis, Sinus Infections and urticaria (Hives, Breaking out), Xylene Fume Intoxication (Blood Pressure, Chest Pain), Or you just can’t seem to get rid of a cold. or you just can’t breathe, then this PETITION is for you!!
If you feel you might be allergic to dust, dust mites, paper mites and computer odors, please see Miriam Jackson, Human Relations Director, Northwest Illinois Area Local/American Postal Workers Union, 194 W. Lake Street, Elmhurst, IL 60126 (847) 590-6627 or (847) 590-6628 Fax, or contact your local Human Relations Director, American Postal Workers Union, so you can be educated about dusts and what it can do to you and do something about the air we breathe!!! Take a moment to pick up and read, “Airborne Paper Fiber-Nuisance Dust or Killer??” in the union room by ROBERT A. MILES, former president, Northwest Illinois Area Local, American Postal Workers Union Safety Representative, Great Lakes Area who is now residing in Florida. Our presiding President is Jackie Engelhart of the Northwest Illinois Area Local. Ms. Engelhart can be reached at (630) 833-0088.
JUST TO LET YOU KNOW WHERE WE ARE: We have received over 400+ signatures nationwide of people who are sick, ill or deceased. In your Jan/Feb issue of the APWU Magazine on page 12 and 13, the article “USPS Found in Violation of Rehab Act” has been published and printed by Greg Bell, Director, Industrial Relations of the American Postal Workers Union, APWU Magazine, “SUTTON vs POTTER”. The article has been circulated nationwide and on the Internet. The case has gotten national attention. We have circulated this to every news station in the country. We have submitted the information to President George W. Bush, the Senators, Congressmen/Congresswomen, State Legislators and the media. We are currently seeking an attorney to handle this huge case of great magnitude. In the future, if the attorney asks for a retainer to employ him, we will contact the members for assistance to go forward for class action.
In educating the employees, we have approximately a year to file a claim so that you are covered from the time that we wrote the letters to you in 2003, when you became aware from your doctor or when you found out you were sick. Some people are sick and don’t even know they are sick. Please be mindful again of the statuette of limitations to file your claims. Don’t be afraid to file your claim.
OUR ULTIMATE GOAL IS: To get our legislators to get a Bill in Washington, D.C., under “Airborne Paper Fiber-Nuisance Dust or Killer”, for example: “Mary Ann Sutton (representing the deceased) & Sandra Sutton (representing the ill and sick) and to include ALL Affected and Interested Union Members, to stop them from harassing, intimidating, firing us for an on-the-job injury, doctor-fishing, causing case denial, pattern and practices of case rulings across the board and across the country, which costs the employees everything, resulting in hardship, deliberately holding checks/funds and using useless monies to use high-tech surveillance, blatant and visible, for long extended periods of time (years) wasting tax-payer’s money, calling it an investigation, violating our civil rights, human rights and privacy rights; denying reasonable accommodation of disability or occupational disease for an on the job injury, violating your rehab rights as well as your Title 7 rights, denying the employee to continue to have gainful employment and terminating them because of their disability, thereby creating financial hardship, which is discriminatory against the employee.
I would like to personally thank each and everyone of you who have participated in the Nationwide Petition. if you have any questions or need additional information, please contact:
Miriam Jackson at (847) 590-6627 or (847) 590-6628 (FAX)
Sandra Sutton at
Vivian Henderson at (630) 260-5169 or (630) 260-5769 (Fax)
Odell Harper at (708) 344-4257